Thursday, September 3, 2009

Today I have 3 meetings out in the burbs of Chicago. These are clients I need to close, but after a groggy morning I don't want to go. I have no desire to sit in ridiculous Chicago daytime traffic (which still baffles me!). Why are these people even out during the day? Shouldn't they be working? They can't all be sales reps driving around. I digress...

Back to my meetings. I hate selling, I get all uhh duhh uhhh when people ask me questions I'm not ready for. Not that I'm a fool, normally I'm much more eloquent.

"What you can't commit to the 21st start date? "
(my response should be: If you would like to work with us that is the only date we have open.)
(my response usually is: Ohhh OK umm what would you like to do?)

"You can't sign the contract today, you'll mail it to me next week?"
(response should be: Why don't you go ahead and sign it now, and I'll process it next Tuesday.)
(response usually is: SURE! Just send it whenever you can- Pathetic)

So when will I develop this sales attitude. This hunger for the win. The excitement of the chase. I'd really rather sit on the chaise watching reruns of Gilmore Girls while deciding fonts for our new brochure...

Question WB: What was it like when you started selling for yourself? Did you hate it or did it give you a thrill? Does it mean that I wont do well because I find this more scarry than exciting?

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