Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sick Days

Do I get them? Is it fair to take one, especially after a long weekend of no work activity?

When I work up yesterday morning my head was stuffed with so much pressure I felt it would spontaneously combust. Today was much the same. My dizzy swollen head makes me think President Obama made a speech today in Afghanistan about Health Care; Ron Blagojevich is now proclaiming socialism and school children outside Dallas are learning the top 5 fat busting gimmicks. I may have my headlines confused....

With my acute sense of discernment at the top of its game today I feel completely prepared to make all sorts of important decisions. Today is a great day for meeting with clients, calling new prospects and researching potential revenue sources right???

Probably not since every 15 min I check the clock and wonder at what point is it acceptable to take a nap. More importantly at what point is it acceptable to stop working and lay on the couch, have chicken soup and drift in and out of consciousness to some terrible lifetime movie? How many days of "Closed for repairs" is OK? Remember if I'm not working, NOTHING is happening.

WB Question: How far do I push it? Do I sleep? Take it easy? Forgo 2-3 days of work which could put me weeks behind? OR do I trudge along with droopy eyes, voice of Darth Vader and common sense of a chimpanzee hoping I don't screw anything up too bad and eventually I'll feel better?

I may sleep on this one for an hr...

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