Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Figuring our Why??

Why did I start this blog???

Good question. Well I started a company and now my days are filled with telling myself what to do. In theory this should make me ecstatic. Yet, it's a bit overwhelming. How do I know if what I am doing is going to make me money? How can I be sure I've done enough for the day? And Who the heck can I ask??

That's where my good friend Warren comes in. Well I hope that one day we will be good friends (hint hint Mr. Buffet)

I've decided that Warren has experienced many of the questions I'm now facing. Most people don't understand what the uncertainty, excitement and distress of an Entrepreneurial life is like:

What time do I get out of bed? What do I do when I've finished my task sheet for the day and it's only 1:34pm? Is it cheating to stop working? Or do I find more to do? What do I blog about today? Do I straighten my hair or leave it curly? Should or shouldn't I wash our stinky dog? Is it really that bad to eat a whole block of cheese if it takes me a week??
( Those last few he may not struggle with as much as I do)

But the point is, who do I ask my questions to? Other people have a boss for this very reason. I've always been bossy but, Warren how do I be a successful boss?

Thank goodness I have you WB I'm sure we can figure this out.

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